At Chesterfield claims we pride ourselves in providing a professional but personal claims service to all our clients and underwriters. We have a London based claims team of six people with well over 150 years of experience between them covering all classes of business in which we trade. We recognise that claims are a key part of any International Broking house and as a result we guarantee:
- We will identify the exact requirements of our clients and provide advice and guidance to ensure a smooth claims process from initial notification to final settlement.
- We have a superb working relationship with our underwriters, loss adjusters and assistance companies and are always refining and improving this process to maintain a high level of service.
- All of our claims are dealt with by a dedicated claims handler in London to ensure our customers will always have a specific point of contact with the necessary skill sets and we are available 24/7 – 365.
- We have a strong working relationship with all of our account managers who will be involved at each stage of the claims process. We are a company the believes communication is key to a satisfied client.
We operate a completely paperless office so our clients cast rest assured that storage of personal and sensitive data is a top priority. Our focus will always be providing quality service to maintain customer satisfaction with the minimal amount of input from our clients.
Broker Contact:
T: +44 (0) 207 481 1683
M: +44 (0) 738 451 4777